Hello, to my loyal followers. As promised, here is the follow up to last week’s blog on Python Basics. In this entry, I’m going to cover arithmetic, string methods, comparisons, booleans, and conditionals.
This week I thought I’d switch gears away from React applications and talk about object-oriented programming. Understanding how different models could communicate with one another was my first significant ‘road-block’ moment. A year later, thinking through Object Relational Mapping is probably my strongest skill.
I recently spoke to my cousin, she is a software developer consultant at one of the country’s preeminent firms, and she told me about a code challenge she encountered during the interview process. The code challenge involved building a calendar, similar to the iOS calendar, in seven hours. I thought to myself I have no idea how to do that! So as I started to build a calendar application and quickly realized a problem I’m sure many React Developers have faced. When making fetch-requests, the strings and date structure are confusing and hard to format.