Harry Potter and the Room of Cookie Requirements

I’ve spent a lot of time recently working on authentications for various web apps. While I have a strong understanding of how tables relate to each other, when I add authentication to the mix, it makes my head spin.

Rails Authentication: This isn't my data!

Hi gang! This week I wanted to take a more focused approach to a topic that, frankly, has kicked my butt. It’s a little embarrassing with how many backend projects I’ve worked on that I couldn’t figure this out. But hey, as Hugh Jackman once said, “This is me!”

React on Rails Part II - Devise Gem

Hello again! Last week I talked about configuring a Rails/React application using the webpacker gem. When we wrapped up part one, we successfully ran our Rails backend and our React-client frontend and created a beautiful pipeline that connects them.

React on Rails - Webpacker Configuration

Throughout my coding education, I got a lot of practice in different languages using loops, iterating through nested objects, string manipulations, and so on. I did NOT get a lot of practice at tying everything together. Don’t get me wrong I’ve built several full-stack applications at this point, but the biggest struggle I have had is in the configuration. I find that the errors are debilitating, and looking on google is hard because the nature of the questions is specific to your project and not the post on Stack Overflow with that magical green checkmark.

Python Basics Part III: Functions and Loops