Figaro, the Secure Config Gem of Railsville

React + AliceCarousel

Chart a Path with React Router

Hello, everybody! This week I wanted to talk to you about one of my favorite React Libraries, React Router. React applications are shine as Single Page Applications. If you are new to React Router, I hope you find yourself wondering why I need to router for users if my application always stays on the same page?

Remember Me!! Rails authentication with Cookies

Hello again! I have written several blogs about my fitness-charity Rails app, SweatClause, and this week I will cover an issue I ran into while testing my app live with some users. The day after I had some of my friends start using the app, my buddy Stephen called me and asked me a question that hadn’t crossed my mind during development: “Can you make it so I don’t have to login every time?”

Hosting Part IV: React on Fire(base)

Hi gang! I built out a portfolio website last week and wanted to host it using a new hosting service. In past blog entries, I’ve talked about, GitHub Pages, Now, Netlify, and Heroku. So this time, I wanted to step it a notch and use Google Firebase!